Contact Us | Gernep Labeling
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If you are in the market for a new pressure-sensitive or hot melt cut & stack labeler – opportunity is knocking! 


Save shipping and installation costs, representing savings close to 20,000$


We will be participating in Pack Expo, the leading packaging exhibition in the US for automated packaging systems,

held in Chicago from October 23 to 26 this year. 


When exhibiting, one of our most significant expenses is shipping over machinery to display – especially when it comes from Europe!

For this reason, we make sure to send our machines one way to the USA – then directly to the end-user after the show.


Finding a new home for the show model is a mix of timing and blessing.

We need to build and ship this labeler so we have to hear from you before May 27. 2022!


Helping you achieve your full labeling automation potential.

    North America

    930 Boulevard Industriel
    Terrebonne, QC
    J6Y 1X1, Canada
    Phone: 438-686-7312