Pioneer of Ecological Cleaners Trusts Gernep Labeling Machines | Gernep Labeling
Sonett is a German pioneer for ecological and organic cleaners focusing on interconnectivity, sustainability, eco-responsibility, and water conservation.
Ecological cleaners, organic, natural, eco-responsible, biodegradable detergents, sustainable, Labeling, pressure-sensitive labels, label application, bottle labeling
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Pioneer of Ecological Cleaners Trusts Gernep Labeling Machines

Ecological cleaners

Pioneer of Ecological Cleaners Trusts Gernep Labeling Machines

Devoted to science-backed ecological cleaners

Sonett was a trailblazer for ecological cleaners and detergents in Europe and has been setting industry standards for over 40 years. They are leaders in the German organic cleaning products industry with a broad portfolio of products, including detergents and even body care. Homing in on interconnectivity, sustainability, eco-responsibility, and water conservation gave them a distinctive edge in the industry. They work tirelessly on maintaining and developing Sonett’s ideals and basic values, and this is reflected in every facet of their operations. You may or may not be familiar with Sonnet products, but they handle an impressive range of labeling formats, bottle types, and languages. Supplying 43 countries in over 15 languages requires flexible machinery. 

The consumer shift from toxic chemicals towards eco-friendly cleaning products is leading to a surge in high-quality products in this category. Competitive advertising, branding, packaging and online sales are driving world-wide sales and market growth. As manufacturers such as Sonnet continue to compete in the space they increasingly need coherency between production methods and core values.

To fit with their eco-responsible company values, the manufacturer’s goal was to process everything on one single labeling system. When it came time to choose their next labeling integration, clearly, they had preference for one versatile piece of equipment that would handle all their needs with a smaller footprint and would also equate with less waste of time, product and resources.

Gernep Non-Stop Precise Labeling

Most of Sonett’s bottled ecological cleaners use formats ranging from 120 to 2,000 ml. Label specifications were fairly similar, falling within 15 to 24 cm in length and 6 to 16 cm in height – with a slight variation for their detergent labels which factor in space for the bottle’s handle. They also had an additional prerequisite for the Gernep team. The client wanted to integrate a lateral label applicator later down the line.

Sonett’s rapid plant growth requires continuous expansion and modernization. State-of-the-art production and bottling techniques are a must. The Gernep team confidently submitted their Soluta which could meet their needs for a fast, effective rotary labeling machine that would allow for further enhancements down the line. This model would not only allow the manufacturer to process up to 4,000 bottles/hour but would permit the future integration of the lateral seal applicator that they were still considering. The Soluta labeling machine which has the capacity to run multiple sizes and dimensions of PET bottles with minimal downtimes. Additionally, the installation of a label control camera validates the exact positioning of labeling. As an added bonus, this feature includes the handheld barcode scanner. Scanning allows operators to validate label positioning when making a roll change and eliminates time operators would traditionally need for manual set-ups. Additionally, the installation of a label control camera further validates the perfect positioning of the applied labels on each bottle of ecological cleaners.

A distinctive OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer)

The range of services provided really stood out during competitor analysis. Gernep offers world-wide technical service and support for the entirety of a labeling machine’s life cycle, ensuring performance and precision. They go the extra mile to meet client needs from the outset.

During integration of the Gernep labeling Machine, everything met Sonnet’s expectations. The “Made in Germany” quality of the machinery, labeling solutions, the rigorous training of the line operators, and solving unexpected discrepancies were all decisive factors leading up to the purchase. Ultimately, Gerhard Heid gladly recommends Gernep as a reliable partner, and was quoted as saying: “From our first contact through to machine configuration, factory acceptance tests, and retrofitting to the initial machine operation, a team of competent specialists were always by our side.”

Labeling machines can often look alike, but nothing can rival an experienced and knowledgeable team that understands customer constraints. Service and quality craftsmanship really set Gernep apart from the competition.